Saturday, April 28, 2007



Every family brought its own decorated palms to church - some fancier than others.
I was given a palm by the woman walking next to me ase walked in procession about a half mile to the church.

The priest sprinkled holy water by the bucket.

And everyone touched his palm to the statue of Jesus on a donkey.


The young people enacted
the way of the cross.

This procession carrying the sepulcre of Jesus took place at 6:00 in the morning. Thee bands accompanied the marchers as people tossed flower pedals. The women carried the Sorrowful Mother.

The sepulcre with its generator weighed a little over two tons. 28 men carried it walking with a slow swaying gait and alternateing frequently.

By and large people in Bolivia do not seem to go to church weekly but they really celebrate holy days. Easter day however is not a big feast since the emphasis seems to be on the passion.